Few feelings are worse than the one you get when you see lights in your rearview mirror while driving. While it is apparent that law enforcement is pulling you over, it may not be obvious why the traffic stop is occurring. And when a police officer shares they suspect...
Drunk Driving
How does a breathalyzer work?
New Jersey, like most other states, has enacted a statute that prohibits all persons who operate a motor vehicle on the state’s highways from driving with a blood alcohol content (“BAC”) greater than 0.08%. Most states have similar limits. The limit on BAC effectively...
Did the police make these errors in your field sobriety test?
Field sobriety tests are a tool that police officers use to obtain enough probable cause evidence to arrest an individual for DUI or DWI and conduct a breath or blood test to determine an individual’s alcohol content. Although these field sobriety tests are notorious...
Refusing a Breathalyzer test in New Jersey
If a police officer has pulled you over and starts asking you how many drinks you have had, you should expect that they will likely request you to submit to a Breathalyzer test. Breath tests have long been used to determine whether a driver’s blood alcohol...
For how long could you lose your driver’s license for a DWI?
Drinking and driving is something that the state of New Jersey takes very seriously. They have created strict laws to punish people who do and also try and prevent others from doing the same thing. So, if a person is convicted of a DWI, they may face some serious...
What could happen if you are charged with a second DWI?
Most people in New Jersey are aware that they should not drive their vehicles if they drink too much alcohol prior to driving. If people do consume too much and are stopped by the police, they may be charged with a DWI. If the first DWI charges result in a conviction,...
Understanding New Jersey’s implied consent law
Most New Jersey drivers are aware that if they are pulled over on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, they can be asked to provide a blood or breath sample to determine the concentration of alcohol in their blood (BAC). What many drivers do not comprehend is the...
What are the penalties for drunk driving in New Jersey?
The penalties associated with drunk driving charges in New Jersey can be crushing for accused drivers. If you are facing DWI charges, you should know about the potential penalties and consequences and what you can do to challenge the charges you are facing through DWI...
Gym owner & political candidate facing drunk driving charges
One of the hazards of being a political candidate is that any past indiscretions become food for the media. In some cases, the past incident is relatively minor and may quickly recede into the background; in other cases, the past incident may be serious enough to...
Possible defenses against drunk driving charges
Defending against drunk driving charges should be the highest priority for anyone facing them. There are several different criminal defense strategies to help accused drivers facing drunk driving charges which is why they should be aware of drunk driving defense...