A lot of people are facing financial struggles this year that they never thought were possible. Others have been trying to claw their way out of debt for years. Regardless of how long your debt woes have been hanging over you, you might have the ability to secure the...
Month: December 2020
There are benefits to staying offline during the divorce process
Going through a divorce is something that can be a much easier process when you have a support group to lean on. However, posting publicly on your social media pages may do more harm than good. You might be looking for people to relate to what you are going through....
Bankruptcy and sole proprietors
Sole proprietorships, operated by over 25 million sole proprietors, are the most common type of small business in this country. Even though single proprietorships do not offer protection for your personal assets from debt or liability, these organizations can still...
Understanding what happens when facing domestic violence charges
Mistakes surfaced throughout your relationship with your spouse. However, a glaring mistake – the most recent one – stands out: an accusation of domestic violence. When such an accusation gets flung in your direction, regardless, your reputation as a human being is...
Is Chapter 13 bankruptcy the best choice for my situation?
Financial challenges can crop up without warning and many New Jersey residents suddenly find themselves facing mounting debts and the inability to pay them. While the concept of bankruptcy might stoke fear and reluctance, it is a legal and effective strategy to get...