There are benefits to staying offline during the divorce process

Going through a divorce is something that can be a much easier process when you have a support group to lean on. However, posting publicly on your social media pages may do more harm than good.

You might be looking for people to relate to what you are going through. But it’ll probably worth going through the contact list on your phone before plastering personal details on the web. The fact of the matter is, posts that any users on the app your publishing them on can view are typically allowable evidence in court. There are ways that what you say online could negatively affect your divorce settlement, including child custody and the amount of assets and resources you get to take into your next phase of life.

Children and divorce

Providing the best care for your children may be something you take pride in. You love your kids and are already planning how you are going to guide them through adjusting to all the change that is going to come with your divorce. It’s possible that even if you don’t get sole custody, you are hoping to still look after your kids 50% of the time. If that’s the case, showing any sampling of irresponsible behavior through text posts or photos of reckless decision-making aren’t going to look good if a judge sees them.

Hidden assets

In addition to an even custody split, it’s likely that you hope a fair division of assets takes place in court. Unfortunately, showing a pattern or dishonesty can crush your expectations.

For example, you may post about a recent raise at work, an inheritance given to you or luxury purchases that you aren’t up front about through litigation. In turn, you could face penalties for lying and wind up with a dwindled level of assets or smaller amount of alimony.

How you choose to communicate with others is up to you. But it’s important to keep in mind that just one post can have a lasting impact. ­­


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