Don’t take selfies in court and other divorce posting tips

On Behalf of | Apr 21, 2023 | Divorce

Our lives are posted on social media, and it is the most common way to communicate with friends and relatives. But posts may be a widely viewed bit of history, admissible as evidence in a court proceeding and can negatively impact you in a divorce. These social media tips can help prevent you from harming your case.


Married couples typically share passwords to their phone, email and social media accounts. Or passwords are kept near a laptop or address book. Birthday and anniversary dates and child or pet names also comprise passwords.

Change all of your passwords. Do not use names, dates or numbers familiar to your spouse.

Be sure to unlink text message accounts from your iPhones, Macs and iPads to avoid seeing ex-spouse’s messages on your or your family’s electronic devices. Remove yourself from the family’s Apple ID account so your former spouse cannot track your movements through its find my friend function.

Open new accounts

Some users are not very competent with technology and may not correctly change their password or their spouse may still gain access to accounts even if passwords are changed. But opening new accounts provides even more security.

Also open a separate email account devoted to your divorce case. Attorneys often communicate with clients by email. A separate email account ensures that you do not miss important communications. Remember that work emails are not always secure from employers, your employer may prohibit the personal use of emails and you may leave your job.

Get your own cell phone plan so your spouse cannot track your messages or hack into your messages.

Courthouse selfies

Really. Do not take or post courthouse selfies. This may violate courthouse rules, appear disrespectful or give the appearance that you are not taking the divorce and the judicial process seriously.

Bite your social media tongue

There may be lots of things to say about your spouse’s failure to pay support, their lateness when returning children from custodial visits or their position on the property division. Nonetheless, do not say or post these or other negative statements.

Criticizing your spouse makes settlement harder. You may also post something inappropriate that harms your case.

Think twice

Before posting, imagine that you will have to explain that post to a judge, your spouse or your family member in the future. Avoid posts made in the heat of anger, negative posts that do not mention anyone’s name or inspirational quotes that have many meanings.

Remember that postings about your new relationship and an expensive vacation or purchase can harm your custody or support case.

Emails and text messages may also be admissible in hearings. A profanity-laced text or email can reduce credibility and harm your case.

Avoid being tagged in unsuitable posts or photographs

Posting photographs of you at a party with alcohol or marijuana can reduce your likelihood of obtaining custody or a better visitation schedule. A relative or friend’s social media rant about your spouse can complicate negotiations.

Avoid these and other similar problems by changing your Facebook timeline settings so that any postings or photos on your timeline are not posted until you review them. You can deny any inappropriate requests. You may also change your settings so that you may not be tagged on another person’s wall.


Do not ask family, especially your children, or your friends for information about what your spouse is posting on social media. This is unfair, especially if they still have an amicable relationship with that person.